We human being need a lot of belongingness. May be that’s what we call our Tribal Instinct. You need your tribe to be around you always. You need them to fuel your soul up, you need them to push yourself a bit further in good or bad. You just need them to be YOU. After a lot of here and there finally I have a place to be called my home, a home that is no less like my own familial home. A place I feel I belong to.
Asiatic is my home to all craziness, emotions and what not. This one place has seen me growing, crying, giggling, doubting myself, stressing for reasons and no reasons, a bit of shouting too-but in all of them I found a home to my homeless heart. I might go or travel a lot of miles, years and so on but you can not take this place out of my heart neither me from this one place.
I have been a part of this group for last Six years. These six years mark a special momentum in my life. Made me grounded. In a world where I thought Advertising is a glamorous part of marketing, it made me feel the glam is in those joys of campaign executions for which you write slides after slides, find out those insights, spend hours to understand your audience and finally make it alive.
Asiatic in all true sense creates confident human, makes you respect and appreciate life. Gives you friends, relationships beyond work. And sometimes you find the inspiration for life and not to forget mentors who not only teach you about work also life. The love and light of living life in its truest sense-I feel I belong to this place to my blue chair, my crazy corner, my drawer and all those faces who love me or like me less, respect me or never did the same. Asiatic you are my home and my heart belong to the insane air of this place.